Energy reports and a recipe for a good house.

The provisions in our building code for energy efficiency are lacking, they do not provide a method of application, and are therefore not a recipe for a good outcome.

For many years I have been doing my energy reports a little differently in order to deliver a better outcome.

Just like baking a cake you need a recipe, which includes a full list of ingredients and a method.

A ‘method’ is a system by which the ingredients are incorporated to achieve the desired result.

Unfortunately, a typical energy report represents only a partial list of ingredients.

A partial list of ingredients without a method does not make a cake.

Think about it. Does Passivhaus work because of triple glazed windows? No, triple glazed windows are an ingredient. Passivhaus works because there is full list of ingredients and a method, (system) involved.

Obsessing over a partial list of ingredients, (R-values and Star ratings) and even improving the quality of these, does little to improve the outcome if there is no method involved. We end up just ticking boxes for compliance with no knowledge of, or control over the implementation…..Partial ingredients without a method. Compliance does not equal performance.

The good news is that despite building code inadequacies, we can complete the ingredients list and apply a method.  Even better news is that I’ve been using such a system for quite a while with great success. This method delivers high performance outcomes within our current standard construction practices. It now has a name – Gold Star Building Performance for Everyone.

Gold Star employs building science and practical techniques to deliver a home that is healthy, comfortable, durable and energy efficient.

Gold Star begins with a robust building enclosure (envelope). A heat load and a mechanical ventilation strategy is calculated specific to the envelope design. A ‘building commissioning’ site checklist ensures that all measures are verified during construction.

‘Certification’ is achieved once the site verification checklist has been completed and a final site inspection, including a blower door test, has been conducted.

This method can be applied to all houses to achieve optimal results. That is why it is called; ‘Gold Star Building Performance for Everyone.’ It’s the cost-effective way for everyone to enjoy the benefits of a higher performance home.